The Havering Number Fayre
Explore your number skills through games and making in a creative and fun space
If you want to be happier with everyday numbers, we can help!
Join No Collective, Dicing With Life and Kaleidoscope in exploring the creative and fun side of numbers at our free Roadshow at The Mercury Mall on 22nd February for:
* Drawing Geometric Art With No Collective
* Making a Kaleidoscope with Kaleidoscope
* Playing statistic and number-based board games with DWL
* Test your probability skills with a game of Higher or Lower ! (where you can win prizes too)
Meet us on level 1, between 11am - 3pm, and find out about the FREE London Multiply courses that thousands of Londoners are already taking to improve their number skills.
Let’s work it out! #LondonMultiply #Let’sWorkItOut